Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you based and where do you travel?

 We are based in Middletown, New Jersey. We travel within a 30 mile radius for free. We are happy to travel further for an additional fee! Contact us for details.

What kind of events do you do?

Edie Mae loves a party! Any party! We are available for weddings, birthdays, children’s parties, corporate events, charities, festivals, graduation parties, bridal/baby showers, family reunions and more!

What if my event is inside?

 If you have permission from the venue and an entryway big enough to fit Edie Mae, setting up indoor is no problem! Edie Mae is 77” wide, 76” tall, and 155” long.

What does EM need to run?

Edie Mae has everything she needs to run so you can sit back and enjoy your day with zero stress! The only thing we need is a grounding receptable (3 prong outlet) nearby, solid level ground, and enough space to load her in!

Do you carry insurance?

We are properly insured so you can rest easy on your big day!

Do you print on site?

We do! Edie Mae is equipped with high quality professional gear including an industrial printer.

Do we receive digital files?

Yes. You will receive an online gallery of all photos taken at your event.

Can I rent out Edie Mae as a prop for a photo or video shoot?

Of course! Please reach out for further information on pricing and booking.

What if it rains?

A little rain isn't a problem for Edie or Rosie since they're enclosed! We can also provide a 10' x 10' tent for guests to be covered while they wait!

Questions? We'd love to hear from you!